Featured Projects
Help us continue our ministry and expand our impact in Haiti
Here is a Master List highlighting key projects identified by the Haiti & U.S. Boards. These projects are in addition to the daily ministry offered through the Children’s Home, Transition House and Widows Mite ministries.
Homes for Haiti – Widows Mite
We would like to restart our Homes for Haiti program with the building of 3 houses for members of our Widows Mite Ministry. The houses will consist of a main room and 1-2 bedrooms. Many of our people live in very substandard housing that offers little protection from harsh weather so a well-built home is necessary. Any gift amount is appreciated up to the goal of $25,800 for all 3 homes. The current estimate is $8600 to build 1 home. (Actual costs will depend on the price of materials and labor at the time of construction.)
Mobile Medical Clinics
Our goal is to offer quarterly Mobile Medical Clinics across our partner villages that will provide continuous medical care to the people. Our clinics will be staffed with Haitian Medical Personnel including Doctors, Nurses and support staff. Each clinic requires $5600 of funding to purchase prescriptions & medical supplies, pay staff, transportation, and support costs. Any gift amount is appreciated up the goal amount of $16,800 for all 3 clinics. To sponsor 1 full clinic is $5600.
Celebration & Ministry Projects
The people of Haiti face daily struggles to meet basic needs, but their greatest need, like all of us, is a relationship with Jesus Christ. This mission drives everything we do. Alongside our core ministries, we create events that promote Christ, fellowship, worship, and joy. For 2024-25, we aim to host these ministry and celebration events:
- Crusade Week: $3,465
- Pastors Conference: $1,879
- Mother’s Day Celebration (May 2025): $1,560
- VBS (3 weeks, July 2025): $3,245
- Children’s Pool Party (Aug 2025): $890
With our recent move to a new location, we are evaluating what our current and future needs are. This section will be updated after we have identified our needs.